28 November 2007 Marketers Taking The Piss
According to Luke Berry, managing director of Innovative Solutions Oceania Group, the 18 to 30 year old market tends to be resistant to most advertising. A perfect way to target this segment is with the Wizmark Talking Urinal Cake.
Basically, these small devices are installed in male urinals and when activated a recorded message starts. Usually placed in bars, there are many benefits to this innovation…
+ You have roughly 45 seconds of undivided attention where there is usually no other advertising and no chance to change the channel.
+ It is likely the consumer will return two, three or more times in a night.
+ As someone who falls right into the target market, its definitely something I’d spread through word of mouth with clear viral qualities.
+ Research indicates that if placed in a bar, you would have a reach to 59% of people aged 18 to 39.
Tooheys recently launched a campaign with the recorded message saying…
“Thank you for your excellent DNA sample. Please submit another sample after your next Tooheys Extra Dry Platinum. See you soon.”