Welcome to the 2009 Australian Marketing Trade Press Awards.
As you’ve no doubt noticed, with the new year approaching trade press publications go crazy with their annual awards. Which isn’t surprising really given this is an industry that places such importance on self recognition. Is it just me or does the whole concept of nominating yourself for an award seem odd? Or more so that you have to pay for it? But before I turn this into a rant about weirdly shaped trophies and unnecessary flight carbon emissions, I ask you; who will award the awarders? Said publications will recognise the best in the industry throughout 2009 in a multitude of categories, but none of which are Best in Trade Press.
So with the little credibility I have, let the awards begin…

In third place, we have AdNews. A close call between Campaign Brief, which honestly I only read for the anonymous comments, and B&T, who I’m still not sure why exactly I read. I think it might be Inga Van Kyck’s half page ramblings in each edition but unfortunately it’s not enough to overcome
the few issues I have with their magazine. Which of course leaves AdNews, who provide the serious news I probably won’t have to worry about for a few years, but still find interesting… sometimes. Although they’re the only magazine I haven’t seen my name in yet, for 2009 they take out third. Congratulations AdNews!

In second place, we have Marketing Magazine. The growth of its thriving online community provides some unique content, even if sometimes some articles sound a lot like a media releases. For some reason I was invited to write for them this year, which of course wins them some non objective votes. Plus the magazine’s not bad either and for 2009 they take out second. Congratulations Marketing Magazine!

In first place, we have Mumbrella. Headed up by a man who lives in tees he buys off the internet, Mumbrella had a big first year. With its news, opinions, video content, job board, podcast and a host with a funny accent; you can’t really go wrong. Mumbles has been more than kind to me this year, although did confuse me as someone who lived in Sydney, almost losing him this award. A top read that covers just about everything, including some witty comments from time to time and for 2009 they take out first. Congratulations Mumbrella!
You will all receive your invoices in the mail before Friday.
Posted by Zac Martin