Following on from a previous post, I recently purchased four items from Safeway. The receipt was 34cm long. For four items. 34cm long. Seth Godin has a good post here showing two companies who could be perceived as being just as wasteful. Or entirely luxurious. Either way, I will never see Safeway as luxurious and such a long receipt only says to me they are not as green as they could be. Again I recommend you head over to Idea A Day and check out Idea #2842 for another submitted by yours truly....

I'm a big fan of Seth Godin's, and part of the reason is his love for making new words. Its why I attempted it myself and run a series called Vary Your Vernacular; Part I and Part II. Here is one of my favourite thus far which I thought I'd share...

Vary Your Vernacular is a small intermittent series designed to increase one's vocabulary relating to all things Web 2.0. sneezer n. sneeze·er Coined by Seth Godin, he defines it as "someone of influence in the community that spreads the word about a product or service". Bascially, if a viral campaign is spread like a virus, then a sneezer is the person who spreads it. flog n. flog A portmanteau of the words fake and blog, usually found when a brand fails to be transparent with a negative outcome. Perhaps one of the best known examples was Sony's All I want for Xmas is a PSP which significantly backfired when revealed. word of mouse n. word of mouse The Web 2.0 version of word of mouth with the ability to spread much faster via the Interweb. Previous Editions + Vary Your Vernacular I...

Whether you agree with Seth Godin's views or not, there is no doubt about the fact that he can write. This probably explains his rank as the best marketing blog on the net. I've being following it for a few months now, and recently purchased his book Free Prize Inside. I feel very out of league commenting, but I have on order Purple Cow and Meatball Sundae. If there's one thing you can learn from him, its the way he writes. Any new blogger, marketing or not, should follow his work just to gain as basic understanding of the best practice when it comes to blogging. Whether this is to keep it simple, short and to the point or the importance of regular but relevant content. It's certainly going to change the way I blog. ...