14 June 2011 How Much Is An Invite Worth?
So how much is an invite to a Facebook page worth? I'm sure there's various conflicting studies out there, so I thought I'd do some research of my own. I asked people how much they would charge a brand to invite all their friends to the said brand's Facebook page. Some said flat out they wouldn't do it, others said they would do it for free and quite a few people said it would depend on the brand. With a sample size of 15 of my Facebook friends, here are the results. So there you have it, conclusive research suggests on average, an invite to a brand's Facebook page is worth 13 cents per friend. If you're taking this seriously (you shouldn't be), this figure is of course from the point of the consumer, not the brand. But what this does mean is that if a brand can offer something worth more than 13 cents for each of their friends, it will be worth an invite. Also, some of my friends are sellouts. ...