19 November 2009 One Person
I’ve been thinking a bit about the agency process recently.
And it surprises me how much impact just one person in that process can have. In some cases millions of dollars are put on the line, and it can all come down to a single few people.
A client might turn down a great idea. An account manager might not be convincing enough. Or the creativity didn’t hit at the right time. But on any other day, with any other person, the outcome could be different.
And for some reason, it’s been doing my head in lately. Crazy.
Posted at November 19, 2009 10:47pm, 19 NovemberIt could even be the wife or child of the CEO the agency never sees…..
Matt Granfield
Posted at November 20, 2009 10:24am, 20 NovemberThis is why you can never get precious about ideas. In advertising they call it killing your baby. I reckon 90% of great creative ideas never amount to anything. The trick is keeping your chin up because you'll always have another one.
Posted at December 22, 2009 5:24pm, 22 Decemberinteresting, but misguided, sorry.
big agencies, big clients, big budgets – everything is done through a process…everything is spoken about twice or more times…everything is seeded before its even presented, in one way or another.
One person might have one piece of feedback against a campaign. or one planner or creative might be off their game on the day it counts. but really, if the agency is a team, it wont matter – if the team believes in the idea the team carries the idea together, it cant fall on one person because their are multiple points of view to defend it.
if its not a good idea then it's not a big deal if its lost, anyway.