Determined To Be Different

Determined To Be Different

I’ve been having some issues with my bank lately. Which Bank? The one that’s Determined To Be Different; The Commonwealth Bank of Australia.

I discovered yesterday I’ve been charged fees for the last six months that I should be exempt from. I’ve been into my local bank numerous times, and while I’ve since rectified the problem so I don’t receive future fees, each time I’ve been told I cannot be refunded.

Today I called Commonwealth and spoke to a lovely man named Rod. Rod cared. We spoke for about twenty minutes and Rod told me he would happily refund the money. He also helped me change accounts and gave me some really useful advice.

Rod then gave me his direct number and asked me to call him in a week to close my current account, transfer my debit card details and make sure it all goes smoothly.

I will be giving him a call and after that conversation I’m going to ask him about the investment options they offer.

If only all Customer Service Officers could be more like Rod.

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