Fuck it. I'm getting an iPad.But why is it so hard to work out the pricing structure if I go with the 3G option? I Googled four different telco's, and only three had paid search results leading me to the correct place. Two of those asked me to register my interest and told me they'll get back to me at some point (never). And the one remaining is my current provider who doesn't give me reception in my own house.One of the telco's has an amazing opportunity to get a massive share of the iPad market. Too bad they're all fucking it up. That, and the fact they're all bloody expensive, is the reason I'll probably go with the WiFi only version....

The Grr campaign has been launched. I have no idea what its about but I like it although it does remind me of Sprite's Truth Hunter campaign. On one hand, the promotion is far better. They've been using Hamish and Andy by asking contestants to do things that make you go "Grr" for $1,000. One contestant had to get home wearing just his underwear. Another had to listen to the same song for two hours. I've also seen some clever print ads. On the other hand, I'm failing to see the brand tie in. There is a small Optus logo on the website but I'm really not seeing the connection. Perhaps its a shampaign with more to come soon...